How To Annotate Academic Texts
In lieu of my previous post, “How To Annotate Books,” which has been so well loved, I have decided to put up a post for annotating academic texts! This is perfect for students, budding academics, and even seasoned researchers who want to give annotating a go.
Identify The Text
As always, start off by identifying the text. What type of text is it? Primary, secondary, research, review, critique, analysis, op-ed, think piece, anecdote, etc. This impacts how you will approach the text. Secondly, identify what you hope to gain from reading this piece. Is it for enjoyment, learning, researching a specific question, or is it to find a specific piece of information? Annotating can help you sift through the dense information presented in academic texts. Knowing your purpose for reading beforehand can help you make useful annotations.
Select Your Materials
Annotating academic texts can be a lengthy affair. So it is best to get settled in beforehand. Some people prefer to annotate by hand on paper. Others prefer to do it digitally on the ipad or even on the kindle. If you are choosing to go the traditional route, have all your texts printed and ready to go. Select a pen with ink that is a different color than the text and about two different colored highlighters. Avoid making your text a rainbow of…